Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday - Holiness

Hi there! I hope you are enjoying your Wednesday.

 I have to admit I have been doing pretty good not thinking school. I am still reading blogs and pinning ideas I find (of course), but I haven't done anything school related since May 16th. 
Except if you count that parent phone call I had to make this morning...Oh and the curriculum I had to order so my building will be ready to implement Pathways to Reading next year. Oh and...
And they say teachers don't work over the summer...

Anyway, thanks for popping in for:

This one comes to us from a new Bible study book I'm reading. It's called Holiness: The Heart God Purifies by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It has been a great read so far...really opening my eyes up to some things that I need to work on!

The real thing? The real holiness. It isn't what may first come to mind. It is not about being "holier than thou" or being perfect. I think Nancy describes the real thing pretty well:

"True holiness is the pathway to fullness of life and joy. To be holy is to be wholly satisfied with Christ. Above all, it is to reflect the beauty and the splendor of our holy Lord in this dark world. In pursuing holiness, you will fulfill and experience all that God had in mind when He created you."
Holiness by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, page 22

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
I Thessalonians 5:23-24

Something to think about...

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Summer Bucket List and A Day to Remember...

Well, since Kristi linked up her summer bucket list, I thought I should do it too. I decided to link up with fellow Kansas blogger, Katie over at Mind Sparks. So here it is:

Sorry the graphic is not very clear...does anyone else have that problem?

Anyway, here goes:

1. Finish the devotional book I've been writing! If you've followed our blog very long, you know that I have been writing this book for the last couple of summers! And yes, I will finish this summer...finally! I am on the home stretch...praise the Lord!

2. Make a middle school memory book for my son. When I stayed at home with my kiddos, I was big into scrapbooking. Then I went back to work and got way, way, way behind. So instead of try to 'catch up,' I'm going to focus on his middle school years before he goes into high school!

3. Clean out and organize my buffet. This kind of goes along with the memory book. Instead of a buffet with dishes in it, I have a buffet with pictures, grade cards, and other sentimental 'stuff.' I already started this project and have things more organized--woohoo!

4. Make up a curriculum map for 2nd grade. This is my only teaching goal this summer. I'm really trying to take some time off because I felt like I worked all summer last year to get ready for my new position. I have a draft of the curriculum map complete, but I need to finish it up and correlate the standards to it for my professional development goal this year.

5. Soak up the summer sun and enjoy time with friends and family. Does that even need an explanation? ;-) First up is a Pinterest party that Kristi and I are putting together for some teacher friends!

As for today, I saw this quote on Facebook and thought it was perfect for Memorial Day:

I hope you enjoy time with friends and family today--and also take time to remember...


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Top 10 things I want to do this summer!

We have linked up with Mrs. Jump's cool link of top 10 things to do this summer.

I am officially off for the summer now and I am ready to start doing my top ten things for the summer!  :-)

1.  I am planning on having a garage sale (not that I want to but because I need to).  I have decided that my husband and I have way too much stuff so I'm getting rid of a lot of things and organizing.  So, my first big task is to get ready for a garage sale.  I'm doing it soon because if I don't do it right away, then I probably won't do it.  

2.  Sleep-I have to admit that this morning I laid in bed sleeping and resting until 11:00 (I can't remember the last time I did that).  I guess I must have been tired.

3.  Go visit some friends that I haven't seen for a year.  

4.  Make some owl stuff for my new classroom next year.  I am lucky to get a brand new room next year and our new school theme is owls.  I've used frogs for years but I'm excited about making and using some new stuff in the new room.  :-)

5.  Redo our living room and office floors.  We have a house that is almost 100 years old and it has the original wood floors.  When we moved in we pulled out the carpet and stained the floors a dark color (which I regretted).  The dark floors are pretty but you see everything on them and I can't stand my house to be dirty.  So I want to strip the floors and have them light.  

6.  Get caught up on my Rehab Addict TV Show (I think I have 22 of them on the DVR)

7.  Do some landscaping in our backyard-we have landscaped our front yard, but have had a hard time with our backyard since we have 2 Siberian husky dogs.  One dog that is still a puppy (about a year old).  She pulled out the last few items that I planted back there.  :-(  So, I'm going to try and be creative and figure something out for our backyard-Any ideas?
Love this, but I'm sure it would be strung all around the yard within a day with our little pup.  

8.  Basement-Tackle cleaning up our basement after the garage sale.  It isn't finished but we have painted the walls and ceiling and it looks  looked clean until it became our storage area. But all of it should be gone after the garage sale and should be back to clean and organized. 

9.  Spend time with my family.

10.  Exercise and De Stress-I have started to do yoga and I plan to do it throughout the summer, but hopefully a little more and a little more frequent. 

I can't wait to here about your top 10.  Make sure you link up.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday-Love is Kind

One of my coworkers sent this video to me because she new that I was an animal lover and it really got me thinking.  

It is amazing how this dog was alone, mistreated and had every reason to be mad and have hatred toward others.  But instead, he loved others and was grateful for what others did for him.  This is how we as humans should be and I believe this is how God would want us to be.  We should be forgiving and love others no matter what has happened.  This dog did just that and was able to go on and live a happy life.  Just think if all humans would be as compassionate, forgiving and loving as this dog was in the video.  

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. John 13:35

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Year of Many Firsts Complete...

Today is my first day of summer vacation! 

It hardly seems possible, but it is true. 

How did I celebrate?

I slept until 7:30, leisurely enjoyed my coffee, and then endured 45 minutes of Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. As I type, my pool is filling. After 50 degree weather last week, it is supposed to be 100 degrees tomorrow. That's Kansas for you!

Anyway, here's a picture I snapped on my way out the door Friday afternoon.

 This year was definitely a year of many firsts...

First year at a new school and district.
First year teaching second grade.
First year in a small district (explains some of the others).
First year teaching music (K-2).
First year not having a librarian.
First year not having plan time during the school day.
First year not having a team-teacher (one class per grade level).
First year teaching in my kids' district.
First year walking to/from school.

Overall, it was a wonderful and exhausting year! 

Here's some things I learned:

I truly was spoiled in a larger district (sorry, Kristi, but you know it's true). 
Those professors who said some schools don't have specials teachers were correct.
Technology is wonderful when it works, but don't count on it...especially when you don't have a tech person.
I love teaching 2nd grade.
I strongly dislike teaching music. Bless you specials teachers! 
The classroom management was the most challenging for different from my 2nd grade classroom. Kids are in and out in 20 minutes, hardly enough time to establish relationships to encourage good behavior. How do you do it?

Okay, here's one change in my room for next year that I wanted to get done before I left:

My word wall was above my windows and required a ladder to add words. It was such a pain! So excited to have it here next year. It will be much easier to manage AND I think the kids will use it more.

Well, if you aren't done yet, hang in there. The end is in sight.

Oh, by the way, remembering the Dr. Seuss quote helped. I had very minimal tears on Friday. In fact, I held it together until the kids were waving goodbye from the bus. :-)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

2 more days!

Well, we are down to the last 2 days with kids.  I'm like Crystal, as the kids are leaving, I will have tears.  I am always ready for summer break just because I am so exhausted and ready to have some time to rest.  But, as those kids walk out of your room for the last time, I get teary eyed because they have become such a part of me.  :-(
We have been doing the balloon motivation (Crystal blogged about it earlier) the last 10 days.  The idea came from Erin over at First with Franklin.  It is amazing how excited the kids get over the littlest things.  This is what we have done so far:
1.  Ink Pen day-they got to write with an ink pen all day
2.  Extra Recess
3.  Nature Walk-we gave them some magnifying glasses and let them find stuff in nature
4.  Bubble gum day-they got to chew bubble gum
5.  Art day-we did art for about 1 hour
6.  Mystery Reader-they got to get with the other first grade class and read with them
7.  Rearrange the room with your desks any way that you want for the day
8.  First graders are so bright, they have to wear shades (we did this one on the day we went to the zoo for our field trip).  We bought them some sunglasses from the Dollar General and gave them to them to wear that day.
The last 2 this week:
9.  Eat lunch with the teacher
10.  Movie Day
Here are some photos of our nature walk:

This week we are going to do our end of the year book:
What all do you do on the last couple of days of school?  I have always wondered what others do the last couple of days.
Hope you have a great week!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday - Don't cry...

Hello there! Happy Wednesday!
With my last day of school approaching so quickly (Friday), I found an old familiar quote that I need to keep in mind.
Take a look:
I am one of those teachers that cries on the last day of school...and I mean really cries. There was one year I could not even speak as I hugged the last kiddos out the door because I completely lost it.
Now don't get me wrong.
I am always ready for the end of the year, but I am also sad because of how much I will miss my kiddos.
Even though I will see them around school the next year, I know that my relationship with those little kiddos will forever change.
I mean, let's face it, right now I am the best teacher ever in their eyes and next year that will be their 3rd grade teacher. I wouldn't want it any other way...of course I want them to love their new teacher.
But...I will miss them.
This year I will try to remember this quote and find joy in the year I have spent with these kiddos instead of focusing on how much I will miss them. I'll let you know if it works! ;-)
Thanks for joining me for:

Have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

High School...Really? And Mother's Day Top 10!

It's true.
My son is on his way to high school.
He had his 8th grade promotion last night.
Some of the moms put together the decorations and requested pictures--a baby picture, 4th grade picture, and an 8th grade picture.
He is such a cutie! I know I'm partial...but still!

This is my son and my daughter (she is in 7th grade and was an usher for the promotion).
For Mother's Day, I had my students list the Top Ten Reasons their mom was the best. It was quite humorous to read, but I was left wondering what my own children would write.
Many of my students wrote things that I haven't done for my own children since they were 3 or 4 years old...such as...

She cleans my room.
She makes my bed.
So I asked my own kids to come up with a Top 10 for me just to see what they would write.

They told me I could blog about it, but no posting to Facebook because none of their friends read my blog. LOL!

This is Chaz's. He did not follow directions, so he went back and circled the #1 reason I'm the best mom. He made me laugh with #9 - Is a decent driver (now that he has his permit, he notices everything I do wrong) and #7 - Is vivacious (because he was so proud he used a vocabulary word).

Harley took it very seriously and was very sweet! How 'bout #7? You know when something's off and when we're not telling the whole story. Ha!

The two things that made me the happiest are that they both mentioned my faith and/or love for God's Word, and...they apparently don't feel mistreated that I do not clean their room or make their bed. They both said something about how I am preparing them to take care of their own homes. ;-)

2 1/2 more days for me, folks. Crazy!

Hang in there! The end is in sight.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Field Trip to the zoo!

Well, we made it!  We went to the zoo for our field trip on Friday.  All of those who know me, know that field trips stress me out!  LOL!  I am a little controlling and the idea of not having all the kids in my sight makes me nervous.  :-)  We had a lot of parents come with us so we break up into small groups and just walk around the zoo the entire day except for when we have lunch together. 
The trip really went well.  We got some great close up pictures and it was a beautiful day (77 degrees) with no rain and it wasn't too hot or too cold.  The kids had a great time and I will say that coming home they were really tired.  The kids that were with me kept telling me in the morning that they wouldn't get tired and that they wouldn't be sleeping on the bus home.  LOL!  Well, by afternoon they were saying that their legs were hurting and that they were tired.  Needless to say, one of them was the first ones to fall asleep on the bus.  So, if these 7 year olds were tired, you know how tired this old lady was and how much I needed to rest up this weekend. 
Check it out:

We even got to see the elephant training show.

Yikes!  Glad the glass is thick!
Kids at the beginning of the trip (all smiles and full of energy)
Kids on the bus ride home (TIRED)

Kids on bus ride home that said that they wouldn't get tired and sleep on the bus!  LOL!

I hope all of you mothers have had a great Mother's Day today!  Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wisdom for Wednesday-Mother's Day

I thought this said it all about mothers.  I know that my mother means so much to me.  She has stood by my side my whole life.  I can count on her for anything and I know that she is always there for me.  As a child, she taught me so much and now as a grown up she has become my best friend.  All of the words above describe my mom.  I love her dearly and couldn't even begin to thank her for everything she has done for me.  
So, with Mother's Day coming up, don't forget to say thank you to your mother for everything she had done for you. 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It's OVER!

No, not my school year.
Although I do only have 7 1/2 more days...we dismiss on the 16th at 1:00!
Yes, I know, it is early and you are jealous.
We do a condensend calendar so we start late August and get out mid-May, but we have longer days than you...
The spring program is over.
The kids did a wonderful job last night performing Squirm!
I woke up with a smile on my face knowing it was over!
Then my sweet coworker decided there should be no music classes today! Instead she bought Popsicles for the kiddos and took them outside for an extended recess while I got a little break during our normal specials rotation.
I'm telling you...this teaching music (in addition to 2nd grade) would have been much worse if I didn't have such supportive coworkers. They helped me pull together the details of the program and were always willing to help out and rearrange schedules for rehearsal.
As for 2nd grade, we started our 10 day balloon countdown yesterday!
I can't believe we are this close to the end of the year.
Disclaimer: This is not my classroom. This picture is from Erin over at First with Franklin. Kristi and I took this idea and ran with it back when Erin first posted it. Check out her original blog post here. It includes a freebie of things to put in the balloons that I'm still using this year.
The kids were SOOOO excited. Yesterday was bubble gum day. I gave the kids a piece in the morning, after recess, and after lunch. Then today was ink pen day. Hubby did a great job picking up some cool ink pens the kids were excited to get and use. Tomorrow they will get to rearrange the room...that one always makes me a little nervous. Ha!
I'm using quite a few of Erin's ideas, but this year I'm going to have "Build a Fort and Read Day" and "Surprise!"
That surprise one is because I couldn't find any cheap-o sunglasses like I wanted, so now I'm on the hunt for something totally cool to give to my kiddos on the last day of school--which is Rodeo Day (western inspired field day). Ideas welcome! :-)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May Currently

We have linked up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade  for her May currently.

Listening:  My husband is out mowing the lawn.  He started early because it is supposed to hit 100 degrees here.  I love the warm weather, but 100 degrees is just a little too much for me especially this time of year.  Of course, this is Kansas and you never know what the weather will bring.  It can snow one day and be 80 degrees the next.

Loving:  We have 2 Siberian Husky dogs and they come in the house some.  They sleep inside and we have them in the kitchen at times.  We have tried several gates to keep them in the kitchen (metal, wood etc.), but we have one that is very clever and has always been able to figure out how to unlock and open them up.  So, my husband built one and put it up this weekend and so far our clever doggy hasn't been able to open it YAY! 

The black and white dog (Raquium is the escape artitst)

Thinking:  We are changing our schedule a bit this week to do some grade card testing.  I am one that likes to have the same routine and structure and changing my schedule usually throws me off.  So, I really need to sit down and prepare myself for the change this week.  LOL!

Wanting:  My house needs to have a deep clean done to it.  I did do that over Spring Break and now it just seems to need it again.  But, I am just too tired and busy to do the deep cleaning!

Needing:  I am moving rooms at the end of the year.  We have been having construction in our building this year and adding rooms to our school.  I need to pack some more and get some more stuff moved.  I don't like moving but it is good because it makes me throw stuff out and this time I get to move to a new room!  

Surprise:  Tammy at Forever in First  has such an awesome blog!  She has such great ideas and her Saturday Sayings really makes you think.  Make sure you check her blog out.

Have a great week!