Monday, January 20, 2014

Place Value Penguin Fun!

I just had to share this little note...
I feel pretty inadequate as the K-2 music teacher so this did my heart good. This is from one of my 1st grade sweeties. It is kind of fun to get to know the kids I will be getting next year for 2nd grade. :-)
As of a great little place value activity. I was actually able to snag this during our last blog hop, but when I went searching for it to give credit it is still listed as free. So lucky YOU! This place value penguin pack came from Stephanie at Falling into First. I used the penguin cards (both sets - it comes with tens and ones and hundreds, tens and ones) for a little game of "Scoot."

Before "scooting," I called on someone to come up and write their numbers in expanded notation. This is also something we've been working on. It was great! The kids loved it and they were learning. So win-win!
Also included in the pack was a simple dice game. Roll the dice to make a two (or three) digit number. Then write it in expanded form. More fun practice - PERFECT!

 Finally, the kids loved it so much that I even let them do some more expanded notation on white boards with partners later that day.

This was one of my favorite types of activities. Little prep work for me, lots of practice for the kids, and FUN! Best of all, I tucked the cards and master copies away for next year.
Thanks Stephanie!