Sunday, November 17, 2013


This week, I looked back at Crystal's wisdom for Wednesday and saw how much it does apply to us teaching those little ones every day.  I have always told the kids at school that Friday is my sad day because I don't get to see them on the weekend and I miss them.  So, we don't say Friday, we say sad day.  They are supposed to smile extra that day.  :-)  Monday is of course my favorite day because I get to come back and see them.  I make a pretty big deal about it all year and didn't know if they really thought anything of it or not until this week.  

On Thursday, one of my little boys came in and pulled out 5 pieces of paper out of his backpack and raised his hand.  I went over to him and he gave them to me and said, "Mrs. Torrey, I made you smiles so over the weekend you can look at them when you are missing us and smile!"  It brought tears to my eyes and I stopped to enjoy that moment and was once again reminded that like Crystal said,  we have influence on these students' lives.  Sometimes, I get so wrapped up in trying to get everything in during the day and get it done, that I will forget that we are influencing these little ones.  This gesture from a 7 year old boy reminded me how I need to make sure I remember every day that I am a role model to them.  Check out one page of my smiles that I got!  :-)

Have a great week and enjoy your kiddos!  


  1. I really love this, and I love what your little one gave to you.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Oh. my. goodness. How sweet is that! Aren't these kiddos so great? We had this conversation in the lounge the other day. Our words and actions are so powerful and influential on these little people. I think we need to try to remember that because often times we do get wrapped up in the tasks that need to get done and done by _________(insert day). Thank you for the reminder to slow down and enjoy them. :)
    Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners

  3. What a sweet gesture from your little guy! Thank you for the reminder about how our words and actions really do make a different in their lives. :-)

    The Craft of Teaching
