Tuesday, October 22, 2013

One More FUN Teambuilding Activity!

What a busy week! I had a training last Thursday so I had to prepare for my first substitute this year--which always seems to take me forever. This week is a short week (early dismissal tomorrow for conferences) and planning for those always seems more difficult...out of the routine I guess. Not to mention preparing for conferences. I found myself having to focus on one thing at a time--otherwise I get too overwhelmed by it all.
I did want to share another teambuilding activity that my kiddos just loved. Sorry no pictures. :-(
One of the nice things about being in small school is the gym is available most of the day, so on Friday after lunch I took my kiddos in to the gym and split them into teams. Then I assigned each team a short (3-4 letter word) that they had to spell out with their bodies. They did a great job working together and the activity went over well (but not without a couple of dizzy letters - HA). 
Today we are getting new shoulder buddies, color teams (desk arrangement), and assigned floor seats. I change them out every 9 weeks. The kiddos are so excited.
Wish me luck... :-)


  1. My hubby is getting his knees replaced next week and I'm planning for a sub for 3 days - yes, it's a lot of work! And I keep adding and adding details. Hope all goes well with your sub. Sara

  2. Oh preparing for a sub about does me in. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
