Monday, September 2, 2013

Schedule Tweaking...

Well, I made it through my first full week last week! That said, I'm oh, so thankful for this Labor Day! I definitely needed the extra day to rest and relax. I spent some time playing volleyball with my kids--in the pool and out of the pool, baking Banana Oatmeal cookies for hubby, and making sure all the laundry was done for the new week.
I also ran out of coffee...this is not good. Those of you who have read our blog very long know that I have a "coffee drink" every morning. You may be thinking...go to the store! Well, I live about 25 minutes from the nearest grocery store and I didn't want to make the trip. I did call the gas station and found out that a small can of coffee would be $6.29. Um, no thank you. I will survive...maybe!

Last week was all about getting used to my schedule...which looks like this on paper:

7:40 Contract time begins
8:00-8:30 Plan time*
8:30-10:00 Reading*
10:00-10:30 Recess*
10:30-11:40 Math
11:40-12:10 Lunch*
12:10-12:40 Writing Workshop*
12:40-1:00 Science/Social Studies
1:00-1:30 MTSS (or RTI if you aren't in Kansas)
1:30-1:50 Kindergarten Music
1:50-2:10 1st Grade Music
2:10-2:30 2nd Grade Music
2:30-3:00 Snack/Story/Pack-Up*
3:00-3:30 Plan time*
3:50 Contract time ends

All those little * mean something, of course, so let me explain...

First plan time from 8:00-8:30 with no secretary (praise the Lord I think we have one now) who is also the nurse means one of those mornings, I spent that plan time in search of ice packs and baking soda paste for two of my little sweeties who were stung by wasps on the playground.

At 8:30, we meet in the gym and say the pledge and have any morning announcements before stopping by our lockers and then heading to class which means I don't have nearly enough time to teach reading. This is something I'm going to see about tweaking...

Recess - Each of us takes one week of recess duty at a time so I haven't had duty yet and I don't this week either. Woohoo! That being said, I think when I have duty it is going to be rough not having that little break!

Lunch is not so much lunch as it is getting ready for music. :-(

Writing Workshop doesn't start on time because of a restroom break after lunch...

Snack/Story/Pack-up should really just be called chaos. I HATE strongly dislike this time of day. I tried reading the story while they are eating their snack, but they are just done and ready to go home so I feel like I'm wasting my breath. However, the reading prevents the talking. Beginning next week (not tomorrow), we are starting Mission Possible Math with our "calendar time" so I am strongly considering moving it to this time of day. The kids will be busy with something they enjoy...we will see.
And then plan time again...which after that crazy afternoon schedule is more like sit and stare at the wall time, trying to get up the energy to think about planning.
As I read back over this, I realize it sounds very...negative. So let me tell you the positives of my new school and schedule.
  1. My new teaching team and I are having a lot of fun together!
  2. Small school - means the "team" includes everyone. Everyone pitches in to help out when needed.
  3. No morning duty (unless someone gets stung by a wasp).
  4. Did I say small school?
  5. Fitting reading AND math into my morning.
  6. You guessed it! Small school!
  7. The morning meeting in the gym... There are only around 60 students in the entire school. It is pretty neat when we are all saying this school pledge:
Today, I will try my best,
to do my best.
I will listen.
I will follow directions.
I will respect the rights of other people.
I can learn.
I will learn.
Say it, and do it!
*Pam and Debbie - Forgive me if I messed it up. I'm still learning!
Sorry, no pictures...that shows how my week went. I will try to do better this week! We have started Read to Self, Word Work, and Read to Someone. We're going to keep practicing them this week before adding our other Daily 5 components. This week we're starting our reading series--2008 Reading Street. I'm so excited about this website I found with LOADS of resources for it!
Have a great week!


  1. That's quite a doozie of a schedule. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. It's coming together. I can't wait to get my Daily 5 rounds going and settle into a routine of some sort. Ha!

