Friday, August 16, 2013

Five for Friday Fun!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs' Five for Friday! I finally remembered to take some pictures this week--my last days of freedom! I reported back today for new teacher orientation.
House guests! The last couple weeks I have let my kiddos have friends (the ones in this pic happen to also be their cousins) over. We are so busy during the school year that my answer is usually no... We had two friends Monday to Tuesday and these two Tuesday to Wednesday. I couldn't believe the dishes!!! Mental note: Buy paper plates next time!

Hair appointment! Of course, I had to get a last minute visit in to have my hair done. This pic was taken in my kitchen after the appointment - didn't want to be too weird taking pics at the salon. Hee hee!

I spent some time thinking about first day activities for my music classes. First I thought of musical chairs. Then I remembered horror stories of Kindergartners crying when they get out...and I don't have chairs--just benches--anyway. I decided to look for something else. I found a Hello song here. I then had my son write it to music for me. Yes, those are the fingering numbers above the notes. He was just horrified when I asked him to do that for me! Ha! Thankfully, the curriculum looks great and it came with CDs and fun Smart board files so I think I will do okay when I get going.
I also tried to make a deal with my principal that there would be no observations or walk-thrus during music for at least a couple months. He just laughed... :-)
***If you're just joining us, you can read about how I became a 2nd grade classroom teacher and the K-2 music teacher here.

I may have sent the above text to Kristi while she was at a 'work day' on Wednesday. ;-)
***Sorry it is blurry...I think I need an app to do a screenshot...
We have had a few weeks of rain and cooler weather...and I mean lots of rain! The lakes, ponds, and rivers have filled up--and so has my yard. It really has been crazy! I felt like I was losing my summer tan before summer was even over so I decided to brave the cooler weather and water to do one of my favorite summer activities - float on my raft in my pool.

I had new teacher orientation this morning. It was a quick meeting - small district - only 3 new teachers total. Then the administrators took us out for lunch. Afterwards we went back to our rooms and worked. This is a picture of one thing that I accomplished. I have no wall space! Two whole walls are whiteboards. One wall is windows. And the last wall is bookshelves. This was a is a "bulletin board" attached with scotch tape because I don't want to damage the whiteboards!

That's my FIVE! Click the button below to go link up!

 Have a blessed weekend!


  1. Hey Crystal! Where did the pencil shaped chart come from? I know that I have seen it on many blogs and cannot find it!!!!
    Love the hair BTW....
    Lori @
    Bee the Change
    Mrs. Faas’ First Grade

    1. Hi Lori. Here's the link:

      It's from The Teacher Wife...a freebie!


  2. I've used my share of tape to create bulletin boards before. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. I wasn't sure how it would hold up, but it is doing just fine!


  3. OOO I hate it when there is no wall space!! I'm lucky this year and have almost too much! If that is even possible :) all the best for your new job
    The E-Z Class Follow on Bloglovin

    1. Thanks, Erin. I'm loving my new job but my room is so small! It is taking some getting used to...


  4. That's a very cute haircut:)
    I'm overdue for one and still ave to wait almost two weeks!
    Barbara @
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
