Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wisdom for Wednesday - New Series

Kristi and I are very excited to kick off a new series on our blog today - Wisdom for Wednesday! Don't worry, it is not our wisdom we are talking about.
We want to use Wednesdays on our blog to share inspirational quotes with you. Sometimes they may be teaching related, and sometimes they will just be meant to encourage our faith. We know there are many fellow teachers out there who, like us, need a little encouragement mid-week--especially during the busy school year.

So here we go...the first Wisdom for Wednesday!  

While the quote speaks volumes all by itself, read on if you want to hear what it means to me.
I love this challenge to be careful with the talents and gifts we have been given. I'll admit I struggled a little bit with the idea of starting the Wisdom for Wednesday series...knowing not everyone reading will appreciate it...fearing unkind comments. However, I finally realized that Kristi and I just needed to be who we are and not worry about pleasing everyone on "blogland." I needed to be willing to use this little blog in the way the Lord wanted me to so I finally brought the idea up to Kristi. And of course, she was all for it. 
One way to be careful with the best we have is to make sure we are using our talents and gifts for the Lord. My mind immediately goes to Colossians 3:17, "And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." That scripture covers anything we do in life -- even blogging! I refer to it often to remind myself and my family to remember why we do the things we do. I have even written that on a note to my own kids on testing days at school. The quote (and second half of the verse) reminds me that I also need to be thankful for the best I have...being careful not to take the blessings, gifts, and talents I've been given for granted.
Thanks for letting us share a little Wisdom for Wednesday. Have a blessed day!


  1. I am so glad you made this leap of faith! I already have a pre-scheduled post for tomorrow that I feel is a bold statement of my faith, and I am pretty leery about how it's gonna go down:) We'll see...I LOVE this series, and am very excited about getting encouragement mid-week (especially once the dreariness of school sets in, like, January)! Thanks for refreshing my spirit today, ladies:)

  2. Great new series! I think it is always great to have a renewing of faith each and everyday. Thank you girls!

  3. I am looking forward to this series too! I LOVE that verse and have been filled by it multiply times recently! Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to read this each week!

    1. Brandi,

      So glad you'll be following along with us on this new series! :-)


  4. I've never read Oswald Chambers but I've heard his words quoted a lot. This is a good one too. Thank you for the wonderful reminder. All of our talents and gifts and simply on loan. We do need to take care of them.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Well put, Tammy. "On loan" is exactly how we need to think of those talents and gifts!

