Monday, July 1, 2013

Some Firsts for Me - And a FREEBIE!

First of all, I must apologize. I had good intentions of having a "crafty" Monday Made-It today. I even made it to Lowes and got the "white panel board" cut down...but on my way there, I got my FIRST...

That's right... I'm 34 and I got my first speeding ticket! I didn't even know I was speeding. I know, I know...excuses, excuses. I was concentrating on merging and getting out of the "exit lane." I had no idea the speed limit was 40 and I was going 54! That being said, there have been times I have intentionally broke the speed limit, so I can't complain too much. Anyway...$135 later, I didn't feel like spending the money on cute duct tape. Maybe next week, I can show you the completed white boards. :-)
On to some more firsts...
My FIRST editable document! You may remember last week, I posted some freebies for 2nd Grade Reading Street. I didn't realize they had a new edition, and I had someone contact me about making the document editable so she could add the new words, etc. Good thing I had just pinned the tutorial from A Turn to Learn.
Available at TPT or TN.
My FIRST completely original idea (maybe - I'm a believer that there is nothing new under the sun - Eccl. 1:9 - Ha)! I usually have to see something to get an idea flowing... But I wanted a cute way to display the essential questions for each unit and each week on my Reading Focus Wall, so I came up with these thought bubbles. Aren't they cute? I can't wait to put this focus wall together so I can show you all how it turned out!
Available at TPT or TN.

Okay, if you've hung in with me this's a FREEBIE for you. Focus Wall headers! I tried to think of all the headers a person could want, but if I missed something, don't hesitate to e-mail and ask me to add to it.
Free at TPT or TN.
Well, that's it! Go link up with Tara.  I can't wait to see your Monday Made-Its!!

P.S. I almost forgot to announce the winner of our Bloglovin' Giveaway! Josie F. you are the lucky one that gets to pick any THREE items from our store. I already e-mailed you with details!


  1. Yay!! I'm so excited that I won! Thank you!!!

    1. We hope you enjoy the products! :-) Thanks for following!


  2. Ahhh man. I'm sorry about the ticket. :(
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Thanks, Tammy. I almost cried afterwards thinking of the wasted money. Meanwhile, my kiddos were both shouting, "I'm calling Dad!" Ha ha!

      Teaching Little Miracles

  3. Thanks for the freebie and I really like those thought bubbles.
    I wouldn't worry about a non-crafty Monday Made of us just don't have it in us.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  4. Oooh, sorry about the ticket. I got one at Christmas for running a stale yellow! Huh? Not fun.
    Thanks for the freebie!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
