Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Schedule Spotlight Series - Daily 5

I just spent HOURS trying to list some of my Stampin' Up! stamps and accessories (former demonstrator) on eBay. UGH! That is all I can say... I had it complete and then suddenly it was gone! The customer service rep told me to just list it again...um, NO! I will not waste my time with that again. But hey, if you like Stampin' Up!, have I got a deal for you...just e-mail me. :-) Apparently I have one that is pretty rare, selling for $65-115.
I also managed to embarrass my 13 year old son. He was receiving texts on his iPod about a friend's birthday party.
Necessary back story: I'll admit I'm a little leery of sending him to birthday parties after an incident several years ago. He went to this kid's party and the adults sat around drinking. Personally, we don't drink in our house, but what bothered me the most is that these people were drinking when they were supposed to be monitoring other people's children at a birthday party.
Anyway, here is how our conversation went.
Me: "Are people going to be drinking at this party?"
Son: "I don't know."
Me: "Ask him."
Son texts friend: What will we be doing at the party?
Friend texts son: Swimming, games, etc.
Me: "Ask him!"
Son: "I'm leading up to it."
Son texts friend: Will there be drinking?
Friend texts son: NO!
Son shows me text.
Me: "What about the adults?"
Son laughs and sighs at the same time (remember I told you my kids think I'm crazy).
Son texts friend: What about the adults?
Friend texts son: No
Me: "What about dancing?"
Son laughs and sighs at the same time again.
Me: "Ask him!"
Son texts friend: Dancing?
Friend texts son: No
Me: "Okay. Now you can tell him that you have to ask your dad." :-)
Okay, now for the reason you all are here. Sorry about that.
Schedule Spotlight - Daily 5 - Woohoo! I can't wait to read these!
Kristi and I actually started Round 1 of Daily 5 as soon as the kids walked in the door. They put away their backpacks, chose their lunch, turned in homework, etc. and then checked the Daily 5 board to get started. We did not let the kids pick what they were doing and when. We tried at the beginning of the year, but found it just took up too much time having them "check-in" and we required Read to Self and Work on Writing every day. We also met with our kids every day, so that left only one round to choose anyway.
8:15-8:35 - I always started with high group. They would go to the back table and start an independent activity or game while I took attendance and turned in the lunch count. When I got there, we would begin the lesson for the day.
8:35 - 8:50 - Review words of the week/ Grammar Lesson
8:50 - 9:10 Daily 5 Round 2
9:10-9:30 Daily 5 Round 3
9:30-10:00 Pathways to Reading groups (awesome...with 3 Title teachers, we split our kids into four groups and work on specific phonics lessons)
10:00-10:20 Daily 5 Round 4
10:20-10:35 - Wrap up and then head to recess...
A few things to note...we met with all four groups because we actually taught out of our basal series Treasures. We also felt like even the high kids deserved that small group time with us each day. We reserved Fridays for individual conferences and did not meet with groups. We had a Daily Five board where the students could see what they were to be doing each round (loved it).
Sorry the picture is fuzzy. I left these charts for the next teacher so I don't have them or I'd take a new one! The little cards have Velcro on them so we just switch them up as needed. I want to make mine smaller this year. It took up WAY too much space!
Also last year was our first year implementing the Daily 5 so we are by no means experts!
Looking ahead for me...going to 2nd grade. I know the stories are going to be longer and it seems like I will be pressed for time anyway. I think I will try to split my kids into three groups and do only 3 rounds each day (instead of 4). Not sure yet...hoping seeing how you do it helps me make a decision so go link up already!


  1. I had the very same problem with having kids check in. It was so time consuming. I think that lasted for about two days. Since then, my kids just check off where they're going on a little Daily 5 sheet I made and hand out.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. That would be a good idea too. I'm not sure how I will do it this year...need to start thinking about it, I guess. It will be here before I know it!


  2. LOL! Glad I'm not the only one who (nags) - politely inquires about my sons' going ons and who they are hanging around with :)

    I LOVE the idea of meeting with the high group first - I always miss those kiddos and then feel guilty about it and I agree all kids should be met with. The low students always have a way of eating up time (work avoidance) that way the time would be managed better. Brilliant!

    1. Ha ha...you call it like it is, I guess, with the nagging. :-)

      I loved meeting with the high group first. They could do some enrichment activities while they waited for me and the lessons never took as long with them so it worked out well.


  3. Hey! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check it out on my blog.

  4. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check it out on my blog! :)

    ✿ Regina
    Keepin It Krazy

  5. I am with you on not letting them choose where to go and when. I am too much of a control freak! I also meet with every group each day, but start with the low group. We also use Treasures in our district. This was our first year with it. I can't say that I love it. What do you think?

    1. Hi Melanie. We used it 3 years (and Kristi will still use it this year). At my new school, they use Reading Street. I can say that Treasures had way more online resources for the kids and teachers, but both programs seem similarly layed out.


  6. Hi Crystal!
    Thanks so much for linking up again this week!!!
    Love Daily Five first thing in the morning! No morning work to deal with!! :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Kelli :)
    Castles and Crayons
