Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Made-It-Cat Litter Container Seat with Storage!!!

Thanks to all who stopped by our Facebook page this weekend for the 2nd grade Fan Freebie Blog Hop! It really was neat to check out all the great freebies being offered. Now remember...we told you that we wouldn't forget our firstie friends. So this freebie (for a limited time - now through 7/24/13***) is for you!

And it just might be perfect for the beginning of the year for 2nd graders too...
Click the picture to grab it quick!
Updated: You can get this game as part of our Super Sight Words Pack - 1st Grade edition, but it is no longer a freebie.

 Okay, on to Monday Made-It!
In my last blog, I told you how I wasn't very crafty and how I was trying to make something.  Well, I completed it and YAY!  it worked out.  It is not perfect by any means, but it worked out ok.  :-)  So today's Monday Made-It:
Cat Litter Container Seat with Storage!
I was inspired by Vanessa Levvin at Pre-K Pages to make my own type of seats for my reading table.  I love her crate seat that she made.  I have always thought these were really neat.  I started pricing it out and decided that I wanted to try to make it the least expensive I could (remember I just went to the Dollar Tree the other day and spent too much!  LOL!).  So, I started brainstorming of how I could make something like this with things that I already had here at home.
This is what I came up with:
1.  Cat litter containers-my mom runs a nonprofit cat rescue and has a lot of cats.  Therefore, she goes through a lot of cat litter containers.  HMMMMM....FREE containers!  :-)
2.  Cushion for the seats-I have been cleaning out a lot around my house and had a huge bag of clothes, sheets etc.  that I was going to get rid of and then thought I could use those as the cushion.  Another Free item.
3.  Spray paint-$.97 at Wal-Mart for the black gloss spray paint.  Total-About $6 for 6 seats.
4.  Cover-Vinyl Tablecloth at Wal-Mart for $5.97
5.  I had a staple gun at home
That is it!  So it cost me about $12 total to make 6 seats!  Here is what I started out with:
Sheets, Spray Paint, Cat litter Container, Vinyl Tablecloth, Staple gun (not shown)
Here is what I did to make the seats:
1.  Cut off the handles on the litter container
2.  Spray paint the container-I didn't do the inside or bottom of it.  I just decided to do the outside only.
3.  Cut your sheets/cloths to fit the lid.
4.  Cut the vinyl tablecloth so it is a little bit larger than the lid.
4.  Put the sheets/cloths on top of the lid and wrap the tablecloth around it.
5.  Staple the Tablecloth to the back of the lid.
That is it and you are done!
Here is the final product:


 Just take the cushioned lid off and there you have some storage. 



  1. It's always nice when a project doesn't cost much, and I'm sure the seats could have cost quite more if you had bought all the items. Nicely done.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I love re-purposing! You did a great job. I had a similar experience with those crate seats. Kuddos!
    All Smiles in 2nd Grade

  3. Great idea using an empty container for a cute storage bin. I can't wait to read more post. Thanks for sharing!!!!


  4. Great idea! I should've thought of this before I made 6 crate seats last year! Love!

    Whole Brain Teaching in the Ladybug Club

    1. Thanks-I really like the crates, but wanted to go a little cheaper. :-)

  5. Thanks! I hope they last and work out ok. :-)
