Thursday, June 27, 2013


Guess what I'm doing today?

Okay, maybe the next several days... Ha!

My sweet friend Sara came over yesterday and helped me in my classroom. They have actually "given" me a closet to put my things in...hooray! The problem was we had to clean it out first. I was stuck...a little overwhelmed by the mess of my things piled in my classroom PLUS the mess waiting for me in the closet. Sara came and got me motivated. We only worked for a couple of hours, but it was the push I needed to get started! We made a lot of progress. 

I even got some printing and laminating done (pictured above).
I felt so free while laminating!
You would only understand my excitement if you had worked at my previous school. ;-)
Fortunately for me, my 12 year old daughter's eyes lit up when she saw my roll of laminating to be cut. She *loves* cutting it out--weird. I don't understand it...

I'll tell you about the goodies I printed and laminated when I start setting up my room.
I'm headed out for some pool time before I start cutting. They needed another player at basketball practice this morning and this old lady needs to keep moving so I don't get stiff!
Don't forget about our Bloglovin' Giveaway. You still have time to enter. I don't know if we made it clear that you don't have to be a *new* follower. If you were already following us on Bloglovin, feel free to enter.

Have a great day!

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