Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Here's a Peek at my New Classroom...

So after checking out on Friday, I rushed out of my old school before I cried TOO much and made a fool of myself. I am horrible at "good-byes" though I informed Kristi it was not a "good-bye" for us, but a change in relationship. She truly has become one of my best friends these last few years.

Anyway, I went straight to my new classroom. I had a goal in mind...THROW AWAY a lot of stuff. Ha!
No, really. I want to paint the shelves and bulletin boards before I "move in." The shelves were all PACKED with stuff. You would not believe it...should have taken before pictures. Why do I always forget that?
I don't remember if I told you that this school I'm going to is where I went to elementary school--many years ago. I actually found things that we used back then! Teacher resource books labeled with my 1st-2nd grade teacher's name (who has been retired for many years). I even found a teacher resource book from 1976--and no, I was not in school then. I wasn't even born yet!
That first day I got this entire wall of shelves cleaned off. The best part...when I got tired, I was home in ONE minute. Did you catch that? ONE minute--as opposed to THIRTY. That was one of the BIG reasons that I took this position!

What do you think of this awkward space? I'm thinking reading nook...

Then I went back Saturday to finish these two smaller ones and take down the bulletin board "stuff" so everything would be ready to paint.

I  really wish I could fast forward to the moving in and organizing part. Speaking of organizing - have you checked out:

GENIUS!!!!! I spent who knows how long checking out 40+ blogs the other day for organization tips. I'm sure more have linked up, so I will have to go back for more!
Here's a picture of all my "stuff" right now...tucked away in the lunchroom...just waiting to be organized. :-) The janitor has already teased me about needing to build an addition onto my room. LOL!

I did find some cool stuff on those shelves. Here's a few of my finds:
Math Border - This will look awesome on my future black bulletin board to use with "The Meeting" (Saxon Math).

Buzzers! They really work and each have a different tone...I see some quiz games in my future.

CDs - Christmas songs, movement songs, and Shel Silverstein, yes please!
Anyway, maybe that linky will still be open when I get to start putting my room together!
Have a blessed day!

P.S. When editing this post, I deleted the word "actually" three times. Hmmm...must be my new favorite word. Do you ever catch yourself doing that when you write? ;-)


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product! Congrats on your new place.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Wow! It looks like you have a pretty big room. I moved schools this year too but still staying in Wichita so I am still driving 45 miles each way. I'm not sure if I would want to teach in my small country town. Too small for me. I like the Big City and what they have to offer but I LOVE the quiet country living when I leave the city. Does that make sense? Anyway congrats on getting a new job.

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

    1. Actually my room is smaller than the one I had before. :-( I feel a bit crowded, but I'm sure I'll make it work!

      Definitely understand...there are times when I wish I was closer to Target, the mall, etc. :-)

