Saturday, May 18, 2013

3 More Days and AR Competition Winds Down!

I can't believe we only have 3 more days of school!
That means next Friday I will be leaving my classroom and school for the last time. :-(
I'm feeling sad and excited all at the same time.
I have keys to my new classroom and school already. They were done on Thursday. It was really hard to get up and go to work Friday when my own kids were still in bed snoozing. I just keep thinking that next year, we will have the same calendar! That will be so awesome!
About my new classroom, I just took some of my things up there and looked around. Then I came home and took a nap! LOL!
It is too overwhelming right now to think of all that I need to do...
Anyway, the AR competition has come to an end--which is a good thing. Kristi and I are both extremely competitive. The library closed on Wednesday, but we each asked for a basket of books so the classes could keep reading. I even pulled some leveled readers from earlier in the year to keep them earning points. We had told the kids we would have a party if we made it to 1000 points (between the two classes) in the last nine weeks.
On Thursday, we knew we would not make the goal so Kristi and I started taking tests too. I took a test on The Hunger Games (which I had read last year) and some of the half point books pictured below.
At the end of the day, I had 27 points. Kristi had 5.
Would you believe she bribed (with Coca Cola) another teacher friend to take a Harry Potter test under her name?
So I came back the next day and took tests on Catching Fire and Mockingjay and earned another 25 points (I got a 60% on one of them--oops--guess that is why you shouldn't wait a year to test on a book).
Like I said we are really competitive! :-)
As it turned out, the classes tied and we made the 1000 points so we have a float party planned for next week. Hooray!
Well, I wanted to leave you with a video of my daughter singing in her school talent show, but I'm still working on getting it uploaded. Maybe tomorrow...this proud mom has to share. :-)
Have a blessed weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your last three days. I can see how it would be both sad and exciting. It would be hard to leave the faculty, kids, and families that you've established relationships with. No doubt some sweet blessings will come your way at your new school. Now to get all the packing and moving and unpacking done. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
