Thursday, April 4, 2013

Get Acquainted Linky and Super Sight Words!!!

Hi there! I spotted this fun linky and wanted to join in... School related "stuff" at the bottom!
Favorite Place to Shop:
Did you notice it is blank??? That is because I *hate* shopping!
Favorite TV Show:
Person of Interest
(I guess, not a *huge* TV watcher)
Favorite Sweet Treat:
Anything chocolate, but lately...
Pinned Image
Favorite Food:
This is my all-time favorite Pinterest find...
Pinned Image
Yum! That looks so good, I need to make it again now that weather is warming up!
Favorite Restaurant:
This one is really tough...I enjoy eating out!
Probably a toss up between:
Gen Ghis Grill
P.F. Changs
and any place with great Mexican food!
So I promised you school related...
I'm so excited to have finished up these SUPER SIGHT WORD packs. I started on them over Christmas break because I had some kiddos who really needed some extra reading help.
I've made a pack for all the DOLCH Sight Words broken into grade levels. These are a few things that I love about them...
1. *Clickable* Table of Contents - so I don't have to waste time searching for the page I want!
2. Flashcards - Full set AND full page of each word! So often several kiddos struggle with the same word and I wanted to be able to print just select words (again where that Table of Contents comes in handy).
3. Word Work pages in both ball and stick and D'Nealian fonts!
There is more to the packs - those are just my favorites. If you're interested click the picture above to check them out in our TPT store. 2nd and 3rd grade packs will be posted soon - still proofreading!

The first 3 people to leave a comment (and an e-mail address) will get to choose one of the packs for free. :-)

Okay, on to this week...SIGH!

It is our second week back from Spring Break and my clips have been moving down like crazy! It has been pretty exhausting. I think I'm going to have to give my annual "Field Trip and Fun Activities" talk early this year.

Kristi and I are fortunate enough to teach in a school where those things are still considered privileges that are earned. So every year, I have given a speech letting the kids know that they need to be on their best behavior if they would like to attend our field trip and be involved in other fun activities at the end of the year. The field trip works great if we can get it scheduled really late in the year - I think last year we went the last week! Ha!
This year we'll be going on our field trip earlier so the "fun activities" will need to be just as appealing... Guess I need to start thinking of those!
Yes, I have left kids behind before. My very first year two students had to sit in the office all day instead of going to the zoo with us.
That is not the goal, but it does usually help motivate the kiddos!

Looking forward to FRIDAY!!!!



  1. I would love this resource. Thanks

  2. Love the idea of a clickable table of contents!

    We are getting ready to go on our field trip to the aquarium. :-)

  3. I really hate "shopping", yet I still managed to list a few of my favorite stores. I consider "shopping" to be trying on clothes (ugh!) or grocery shopping. Going to Hobby Lobby and oogling the craft supplies just doesn't feel like shopping to me. :-)

    I wish our school still had the mentality that leaving the building for a field trip was a privilege, but they don't. We can't "deny" kids a field trip. I have had parents deny field trips, and I'm allowed to let the parents deny it (so far), but if a kid is a behavior problem, they aren't supposed to be left behind, even if they are a safety issue. I'm sorry, but if you want to throw chairs and leave the school building and hit and steal and whatever else, then you don't need to go out in public and represent our school! In that case, we have to invite the parents to go with the student so they can have their own personal chaperone... which always gets dicey when they don't pass a background check so they can't ride the bus, but they don't have a car so they can't drive themselves... oh how fun field trips are! Sorry for my little rant... long story short, I wish our school/district still felt that way.

    That recipe looks amazing. I am definitely going to check that one out!

    I found you through the linky party!

    Blooming In First

    butler . erica @ gmail . com

  4. Aw man! I was hoping to be number 3 and make my week better. I've spent my spring break at the dentist - 5 visits and a root canal. Fun, huh? Oh well, better luck next time!
