Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year and Currently!

Happy 2013! I don't know about you, but I can't even believe it!

I love the new year.

To me a new year represents a fresh start.

I'm one of those people who usually likes to sit down with a brand new notebook and write down my goals for the year. And no, I do not always reach my goals, but I enjoy the process of setting them anyway...LOL! I also like to look back at what I have accomplished and what I need to work on for the new year.

This year, I resisted the urge to crack open a new notebook and put goals on paper. Instead I have just been thinking about what I would want to write down...and it is all summed up in one little word.

So...Farley's Currently OLW - one little word - challenge was perfect for me this year...

I'm listening to the news. Does anyone else miss the news when they are working? It is not that I necessarily enjoy the news...just the fact that I can sit down and watch if I want to.

My hubby is off today and the kids spent the night with grandparents, so we are just relaxing together - LOVE!

We are back to work tomorrow for staff development. :-(

My couch...is officially broken. I may have spent too much time on it during this break! It was a hand-me-down so it is possibly older than me anyway, but yesterday when I sat down...

...I heard a crack...

...and I sank...

...nearly to the floor (maybe a slight exaggeration)...

This had nothing to do with all the Christmas goodies I enjoyed and everything to do with the age of the couch!

I brought home my work laptop and haven't even powered it up...enough said.

OLW - Discipline - This word has been the theme of our house for this school year, but I have been slacking...

If I were more disciplined, I would spend more time in God's Word.

If I were more disciplined, I would spend more time in prayer.

If I were more disciplined, I would work out more and make healthier food choices.

If I were more disciplined, I would be more organized.

If I were more disciplined...

Well, you get the idea.

Being more disciplined would take care of anything that I could write on paper...so that's it...that's my goal...

In 2013, I will be more disciplined in all areas of my life.

What's your OLW? Link up with Farley and share.

Happy New Year!



  1. Hi Crystal, thank goodness for grandparents, right? My parents kept our boys for us a few nights ago and it was so nice to relax and sleep in with my hubby!

    I like your OLW...I am really trying to be mroe focused in my Bible studies this year and could certainly use more discipline in this area. Good luck to you with your goals!


    1. Hi Wendy! Thanks for stopping by. We are so fortunate to live near family and get those quiet nights at home every once in awhile.


  2. I don't have to go back to work until the 7th, but I had a horrible dream last night that my kiddos were so bad the first day back! Ahh! I hope it doesn't come true! It will be nice to see the kiddos again though! :) I am your newest follower! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

    1. Hi Kimberly Ann! So glad to have you as a follower. Here's hoping your kids are great the first day back. I'll find out about mine tomorrow...maybe they will be so tired, it will be a quiet start. :-)


  3. Those nights where you and hubby can enjoy a quiet night at home are great! I agree - it's sooo easy to let life take over and it seems like my Bible time is always what gets pushed to the side. Discipline is a good OLW!
    Teachin' First

    1. Hi Kristy. I find that Bible study in the morning is the best for me, but sometimes my mind tries to move on to my list of things to do while I'm still trying to study. Definitely want to be more disciplined this year!


  4. Oh my goodness you go back to work tomorrow...hope it's easygoing!!!!

    I'm your newest follower thanks to the "rule of 3" over at Farley's linky...so happy to be following your blog!

    Happy New Year!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. Yeah, Holly! Glad to have you as a follower. I have found a lot of awesome blogs due to Farley's "rule of 3!"

