Tuesday, December 4, 2012

16 Years of Marriage = Appliances Dying (and Currently)

On December 14th my husband and I will celebrate 16 15 years of marital bliss. You see, there was that one year...that year we didn't like each other and we try not to talk about it much. LOL! We just praise the Lord for His mercy and grace that helped us through.
Anyway, as my anniversary approaches, I'm noticing that many of our appliances are dying a slow and painful death. Two years ago, I replaced my toaster. Last year, I replaced my clothes iron. And in the last two weeks, my blender AND my mixer have died...up in smoke, you could say, literally. I won't even talk about the condition of my bathroom towels (this is our 2nd set of towels).
I suppose I should be thankful that our things lasted so long...I've heard some people have gone through 3 blenders in the same amount of time. :-)
Anyone else experience this?
Okay, enough whining...here's my Currently. You can link up to over at Farley's.

Okay, now I really do have to pay bills. Have a great rest of the week!
May your blenders and mixers run smoothly (without the smoke)...

P.S. Don't forget to enter our giveaway!


  1. Hi! I found you through the Currently link up:) I know what you mean about appliances! We just had to replace our microwave that we had for 13 years. I just hope things don't start to go in threes! Love your blog and I am your newest follower:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. UGH totally paid some bills tonight... in between holiday movies haha!
    Colleen :-)
    Fun and Fearless in First

  3. Just found you through Farley's Currently and had to comment since you are a fellow Kansan! I hate how behind I feel when I have to be gone from school! It is usually to stay home with my babies, which I love, but it is still so hard to miss plan time!!!
    Lisen :)
    Second Grade Smartypants

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary. Your explanation of how many years you've been married makes me laugh.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. We're just thankful we CAN laugh about it now! ;-)

