Monday, August 6, 2012


The countdown is on!  Last Monday off before going back to school.  We start back next week on the 13th.  How much time do you have left before you go back? 

I am a little nervous and excited at the same time due to a lot of changes that will be occurring this year.  Here are the changes:

1.  Starting Daily Five
2.  Starting new behavior plan-going to the clip chart
3.  Adding in more MTSS
4.  Math Rotations

YIKES!!  I am definitely one that doesn't like change and likes to have a routine-so this year is going to be a little challenging for me.  Although, I will say that I believe that once it is all going and a routine is established-I think I'm going to really like it!

So, my question is this-with all the changes, I know that I am really going to have to stick to the time schedule.  In the past, I have had a really hard time sticking to the time schedule :-(.  I know how important it is to do so this coming year and was wondering if anyone had advice on how you are able to do it?  Do you ever set a timer etc.?  Anxious to hear your input and ideas on this! 



  1. I am SO bad at sticking to my scheudle, so I do use a timer, especially during Daily 5 rotations. When it goes off, my students know it's a signal to start cleaning up and head over to the carpet for the next minilesson. I use a small egg timer or I've found quite a few online that I sometime put up on the SMARTBoard.

    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

    1. Yeah, I don't know why it is so hard for me, but it is. :-) Good idea on the online smartboard, I am going to try either the timer or the online thing. Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Last year, a kitchen timer was my best friend:) This year, I will probably start with him again...but hoping to project one or some of those fun countdown timers for the whole class to see!

    1. Thanks for the ideas-I am going to try one of these or both. :-)

  3. I've been out of town, so I've missed commenting on your blog. :) I don't have any special tricks. I just keep an eye on that clock. Once we get into a routine that's pretty much the same from day to day, it's not too hard.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Glad you're back! I am going to really work hard this year to stick to it. I think the clock and timers will be my new best friends this year LOL!

  4. I'm usually pretty good with time keeping, but I agree that setting a timer until you get used to it all would be a great idea! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Thanks for the ideas-I will be using some type of timer this year.

  5. I am a constant clock watcher! I am always looking down at my watch. Sometimes if I need a timer I use my iphone.

    Mrs.G's Kindergarten in Heels

    1. Good idea using your phone. I will be using some type of timer for sure this year. Thanks!
