Saturday, August 11, 2012


Oh, I can't even believe that we report back to work on Monday!


Where did the summer go?

I was trying really hard to stay away this last week of freedom. Then I found out my son had a youth activity with the church on Thursday evening, so why not go get some work done?

Well, I spent four hours up there and accomplished very little.

This is my 3rd year of teaching and the same thing happens every year. I get overwhelmed thinking about everything I need to do. I start one thing, walk by another and think, "I need to do that." Then forget what I was doing in the first place!

Thursday night I came home and thought I didn't get anything done. I have to focus on one thing at a time. My mind was filled with thoughts of how messy my room looked, parents and kiddos were coming on Tuesday night, and we have no scheduled work time in our room before then.

So what did I do?

I went back on Friday morning. Ugh!

This time I had a goal - CLEAN MY ROOM and GET IT READY for the Back to School Night.

First day activities - NO!

Lesson planning - NO!

Daily 5 launch plan - NO!

Stressing about my new batch of Firsties - NO!

Blog stalking (oh, how I miss the carefree days when I could do this every morning - NO!

Words with Friends (my new obsession) - NO!

I would not be distracted!

Well, maybe a little. I may or may not have spent time making those handy dice containers, lined with felt, and magnetic.

Did they need to be done for Back to School Night?


But, hey, my room is CLEAN and READY.

Now maybe I can focus on those other things - ONE at a time!

Okay, on to some exciting news (as if you haven't heard - HA)! TPT is having a Back to School sale. Kristi and I have put everything in our store 20% off and if you enter the coupon code, you will get another 10% off. Woohoo!

I just listed a Math Skills Pack that you may want to check out. You'll probably notice it is Pack 2. I'm going to try and get the first one ASAP so you can grab it at discount too. I'm just finishing the preview for it. :-)

We'll also have our items at Teachers Notebook marked down 20%!

Enjoy your Saturday!



  1. My room is just now getting cleaned, so I can't get it ready. :( I'm trying to do all the other stuff that you haven't gotten to yet. If we could get your ready room and my finished projects together, we'd be ready to roll!

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I feel you- my room is not ready yet and it's stressing me out. I keep doing silly stuff that I don't really need because I still haven't wrapped my head around needing to plan for different grades everyday. UGH! Our kiddos come back on Thursday, so I guess I need to get it figured out.

