Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Made-It - So Cool!

Well, I think so anyway!!! Ha ha! I hope it is okay that I am starting with my HOME Made-It because that is what I am most excited about. I made this artwork which now hangs in my dining room above my buffet (in a place that has been bare for 2 years because I could never find what I wanted). I'm a little very indecisive when it comes to decorating! Plus we have stucco walls - my husband was a plasterer for 10 years and we do not put holes in the wall until we are SURE that is where we want it. LOL!

He is now a mechanic an automotive technician (that is what he prefers to be called because he actually went to school and got a degree and everything :-)) which makes him most handy to have and cars...we're covered! :-)

It was kind of hard to photograph because of the glare...

This project was inspired by this PIN although I'm horrible about following directions - and I'm a teacher, gasp! - and just sort of went for it. We had some OSB around the house, so hubby cut it down to 12 x 12 pieces for me and I painted them black. Then I went to Hobby Lobby and picked out the scrapbook paper and modge podged it on there and over the top because I didn't want it to look like paper.

The original pin did not use modge podge (found this out after when I was getting nervous about them not being flat and decided I should read the directions - Ha ha). Anyway, they flattened as they dried and I'm thrilled with the results! If you try it, I would recommend just using a tape runner on the edges of paper to adhere to wood and modge podge on top and sides...the ones I did like that seemed to work better.

I also made Monterey Chicken which is a new family favorite. Hubby even said he could eat it again the next night and he hates having the same thing twice in a row - no leftovers for him. I did follow the directions on this because of an incident not long ago where I saw a pin and thought they had wrapped chicken in bacon and grilled it...needless to say, that did not go well. Lesson learned! Anyway, get the Monetrey Chicken recipe here.

Okay, on to school. I did not make anything too exciting, but I'm happy with them. The laminator at school is broken and I'm getting antsy to get all my things they are.

Inspired by this PIN from First Grade Blue Skies.

Inspired by this PIN from Smitten with First and some google searching to use as examples to come up with my own...

Okay, get linked up with Tara for your Monday Made-It - can't wait to check them out!!!

Have a blessed day!


P.S. I can't believe I almost forgot to remind you about our 50 followers giveaway! Click here to enter to win $25 to MPM School Supplies or The Quietest Pencil Sharpener Ever! :-)


  1. Our laminator is broken, too! =(
    Great share!
    First Grade Blue Skies

    1. And I am so impatient! When I start something, I want to get it finished! :-)


  2. I LOVE your artwork!!!! It looks so nice!! Like your school projects too!! I'm freaking out about our copies...Last year we had a copy person...this year we don't and I have tons to do before school starts...wondering if I should just bite the bullet and do it at home or Staples or something.....thanks for linking up:))

    4th Grade Frolics

    1. Thanks Tara. No copy person - oh no! I hope they get something worked out for you.


  3. Your artwork turned out adorable! Love it!!!!!
    The Sweet Life of Third Grade

  4. Oh my gosh, that looks like artwork you would buy in the store!! You did great on that!! Love it! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. Wow, I love your artwork! It looks fabulous!


  6. I love the artwork! So pretty! :)

  7. The artwork is so wonderful, it looks great on your wall.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. So creative...
    I'm your 100 follower! :)

  9. The artwork looks fabulous!
    The Idea Backpack
