Friday, July 20, 2012


We are joining Teaching Joys for:

On the first day of school, I read the book "David Goes to School" by David Shannon. 

I use this to go over rules that the kids and I think would be good to have in the classroom and we discuss why these rules would be needed in the room.  The kids absolutely love David and this book!

This year, I found this to go along with the book--a cute little art project to go along with it! Found it at Fall Into First.

Crystal's Weigh-In:

Not happening! Ha ha! At the last minute, the church youth group needed another female counselor to go to Table Rock Lake with them. I spent Monday - Thursday at the mercy of what was planned to feed the youth group. So I did not get to work out and there was plenty of temptation foods.

We had a great time though! It was fun to see the youth group hang out and enjoy one another. We stayed in an amazing resort - The Cliffs at Long Creek - and I got to stay in the master suite. Beautiful views, fun activities, and not enough sleep!

Saturday we are headed back that way to visit friends in Springfield, so Kristi will keep you all entertained while I'm away. Hee hee. :-)

Kristi's Weigh-In: 

Well, I haven't been on vacation, so I didn't have all the tempting food etc.  So, when I stepped on the scale this morning-I was very excited because I reached my goal!  YEAH!  I finally lost my total 13 pounds for this summer. 

BUT, I shouldn't get too excited because these are the actual pounds that I gained during school.  Seems like I can lose some weight in the summer, but when school starts, I pack it on-must be the stress or something :-).  So now my big goal is to keep it off and try not to gain it all back this school year. 

I will apologize ahead of time that you will have to be entertained by me instead of Crystal.....because like I said before, she is definitely the writer between the two of us.  :-) 


  1. cant believe you already started school...i love david goes to school...such a great book to read =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

    1. Oh no! We haven't started. This is just something we do every year on the first day. Ha ha! I can't imagine starting already. We start Aug. 16th. :-)


  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is great!
    Fun in 1st Grade

  3. Glad you stopped by-thanks for checking us out!

  4. Congrats on reaching your goal!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
