Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weigh In, Kitty Update, and Positive Behavior

OK, so I'm jealous of Crystal-all those inches lost!!!  As for me, I'm having a hard time.  Losing just a little bit but nothing like I want.  I am hoping that it will get better as soon as I can exercise to my full potential.  I had cut my achilles ankle tendon about 2 months ago and I'm just now trying to get some exercise in but can't do a whole lot yet.  I'm hoping that as soon as I can get more exercise then maybe those inches will fly off quickly (big hopes :-)).

Kitty update-he is doing much better.  He is actually starting to run around the house a little more than usual-YEAH!  I'm still his primary nurse and am feeding him his canned food from my hand still trying to get him to eat it out of a bowl or plate, but he is not having it.  LOL!  SPOILED! 

Now on to some school stuff.....I have been thinking like Crystal about incorporating some extra positive behavior into my classroom for next year.  I found this cool idea on pinterest and was wondering if anyone does something like this or what you might do in your room for the extra positive?

Pinned Image

Hope you all have a great weekend!  Kristi


  1. HI! I just found your blog!! I am your newest follower!! I would love to have you stop by when you get a chance.


  2. Great! Love your site as well and now following you!

  3. Hey girls! That's a picture of my wall! haha! I use the clip chart for behavior management. Kids move up the chart for good behavior; if your clothespin is on "outstanding" at the end of the day, you get a jewel to put on it. When your clothespin is covered in jewels, it went on this wall and you'd get a new clothespin to start again. You can check it out on my blog (

    WILD About First Grade!

  4. I made glitter clothespins last year to hang up student work. I just dipped the clothespins in glue and then into glitter. It was really easy and they look really cute. I do the like the stones on those, too. Good luck on the weight loss- not easy or fun, but worth it in the end!
    First with Franklin

    1. Neat idea on displaying student work. Thanks for the encouragement on the weight loss-like you said, it's not easy or fun. It is nice to see weight drop though. :-)
