Thursday, June 28, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award!!!

WOW! Two awards in one week! Just after I posted about the One Lovely Blog Award, Lisa from Learning is Something to Treasure let us know that she had nominated us for this award:

We're so excited! Thanks Lisa!
The rules for this award are as follows:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image in your post.
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself
See Below - Check!
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.

See Below - Check!

Kristi's 7 Random Facts:
  1. I love chocolate!  I think I love it too much!
  2. I am a K-STATE and Kansas City Chief Fan.  Love watching both football and basketball.
  3. I have 1 cat (persian) and 3 dogs (Siberian Husky)
  4. My favorite type of food is Mexican.
  5. I am a little bit big control freak.
  6. I get a little antsy if my house becomes a mess-I like it to be clean and stay clean.
  7. My new favorite exercise is ZUMBA

Crystal's 7 Random Facts:
  1. I love BASKETBALL! I'm a huge KU fan, but I will watch any college basketball game. In fact, we normally have the very basic Dish package, but when basketball season rolls around, we upgrade and use DVR so I can try not to miss any Big 12 games. :-)
  2. I make my own laundry soap! Made my first batch in February and just now need to make again - SO COOL! I use the OxiClean scoop so may be using more than the pic below if you want the recipe.
  3. I am married to my highschool sweetheart...going on 16 years and LOVING it!
  4. I have had two inspirational fiction books published (years ago).
  5. When asking my children (11 and 12) to describe my husband, their first answer was patient and for me...NOT patient. It is a family joke. I will not even frost the cakes I make because I lose patience with the crumbs coming up on the spatula, so hubby does it for me!
  6. My favorite type of food is Mexican - hey, Kristi, we need to go out sometime!
  7. A few years ago, I tiled the backsplash in my kitchen on Good Friday while hubby was at work. Looks good, right? :-) Yes, my counters are always this clean...I'm a little funny about the kitchen being clean.

The accents are blue glass tiles...and now the toekicks are tiled to match the floor tile.

Our Nominations:
 (you'll notice alot of them are the same as for the Lovely Blog Award, but hey,
these are some of our favorite blogs, so...)


First with Franklin

Castles and Crayons

First Grade Blue Skies

Fluttering Through First Grade

The First Grade Splash

Thanks again for the award, Lisa!

Kristi and Crystal


  1. Yay!! Thank you! You guys are so sweet!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. AWWWW thank you ladies!!!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I could use your help! Check out my latest post ♥

  3. Thanks so much- I have nominated you in return! Come check it out!
    First with Franklin

  4. Thanks a bunch girls!! You are too sweet!!!
    Christie :)
    First Grade Fever

  5. Thanks so much for the kind shout out! You're so sweet.

    Christy & Tammy
