Friday, June 29, 2012


I made it to Colorado!  I keep thinking about the weigh in challenge as well and this is how I started my morning today:

Yes, I exercised and burned 350 calories on the elliptical.  YEAH!!!!  Good thing my friend lives in an apartment with the exercise equipment.  BUT, don't feel too bad for me because after this, I did this:

It is a very nice pool and boy did it feel good after a long workout. 

We were planning on going into the mountains for a hike later this weekend, but looks like we won't be able to get there due to the fires that are going on. 

Even though, I'm on what is like a vacation, I still can't keep from thinking about school.  My friend is actually teaching summer school right now so I had some time to look more stuff up on school.  So today, I started to think about pencils, yes pencils-I really dislike those pencils.  I don't allow the kids to sharpen them because I believe that some may stay over at the pencil sharpener all day long LOL!  So I take charge of that and our pencil sharpener is not the best.  It seems like I spend hours sharpening pencils.  In fact, I'm surprised that I don't have blisters*** all over my hands because of it.  LOL!  So, this is what I found:

I found it on pinterest and it is from A Cupcake for the Teacher.

Anyone else use one like this or have a favorite?  What is your pencil sharpening policy in your classroom?  Eager to here how you handle it and if you have some time saving ideas on this issue.
Hope you have a great weekend! 


***Crystal here just letting you all know that as Kristi's student teacher, I DID have blisters from sharpening all those pencils!


  1. I just got my pencil sharpener in the mail! You'll be hearing about it soon in a post. :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I just got this pencil sharpener in the mail also. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. I am the District Test Coordinator and I sharpen a ton of pencils.

    Thinking Out Loud

    1. Let us know how it works for you when you get the chance to use it! Thanks :-)

  3. How fun! Only us teachers get excited about pencil sharpeners! Ha ha ha!

    I am ya'lls newest follower.

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

    1. I know-we get excited over the littlest things don't we? LOL
      Thanks for following us! Checked out your blog and love it! Can't wait to read more of your posts.

  4. An amazing pencil sharpener makes all the difference!I just found your blog from Lisa at Learning is Something to Treasure and I am your newest follower. Thanks for all your great ideas!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  5. Seriously, the BEST pencil sharpener ever! We have 2 baskets, 1 sharp and 1 to be sharp. We have a helper at the beginning or end of the day sharpen all the pencils and give each table 10...plenty to keep them in their seats without needing to sharpen. If they happen to need a new one, they can swap at their table first, then head to the class baskets if they need to trade one.

    So sorry! We thought we were following your blog, but just signed up again...sometimes these computers have a mind of their own...We love you gals!

    Christy & Tammy

    1. No worries. That has happened to us before too.

      Thanks for the feedback about the sharpener. We are definitely going to have to get one -- well, two -- one for each of us.


  6. I bought an electric heavy duty pencil sharpener from an office supply store last year. Each morning I call one table at a time to come up to choose their lunch (each child moves his/her name stick under lunch choice for the day on my white board). Students also bring their 2 pencils with them and I stand at the end of the board next to the sharpener and sharpen 2 pencils for the day. It also gives me a chance to say something personal to each child. That's the only time pencils are sharpened throughout the day. I never thought too much about this routine until I had a sub remark about how she loves the system and not dealing with pencil sharpening throughout the day. It has worked well for me:-)

    1. Thanks for sharing, Michelle! We don't let the kids sharpen pencils during the day either...too distracting!

