Monday, June 11, 2012


Well, I just got back from the Salina River Festival and saw that my friend has posted about 45 LOL! 3 blogs since I've been gone. I always give her a hard time because she is definitely the writer between the two of us. Anyways, I thought that it was my turn now.

I too, am doing the weight loss challenge, which I do need to lose weight unlike what Crystal said. I have gained about 10 pounds since our last one. It was pretty funny because the same day that I started my diet, Crystal text me to tell me that she had started her diet. We hadn't talked about it at all beforehand, but evidently we were on the same brain waves. Anyways, I did drop 5 lbs. in the first 4 days (YEAH!)! Amazing what cutting carbs and sugar can do for you. But boy was day 3 hard for me. All I wanted to do was eat and I couldn't stop thinking about food. Love to hear how all of you are doing and what things you are doing to drop the pounds.

Besides going to Salina this weekend, we have been busy having company on the weekends and my other new career has kept me busy since school has been out. You may be wondering what my new career is, well it is like nursing only it is nursing a cat. You can check out my photos of my patient below. My lovely 16 year old cat has been very sick :-(. About 8 months ago, he had a seizure and they said that it was probably due to his age. So, he was just fine after the seizure and he went on as if nothing had really happened. Then about 3 weeks ago, he had another one. Only this time he didn't recover like the last one. When his seizure was over, he was unable to stand. He couldn't keep his balance. This was the last week of school and I was a hysterical mess. The vet kept him throughout the day and took care of him. Gradually, he began to walk more, but would lose his balance a lot in his hind legs. So, we have now been doing better from the seizure, but our next battle is arthritis in the back spine by the hips. He has had it for several years, but it is getting worse. So, I have been nursing him along as much as possible. Giving him fish oil, coconut oil, and glucosamine to help try to alleviate the arthritis. I have also tried to switch him to canned food instead of dry food because they say the wet food helps with the kidneys and arthritis. But, unlike a normal cat, he doesn't like to eat from the plate. Instead, he wants to eat out of my hand. WOW! Can you say spoiled?? Well, it takes him what seems like forever to eat from my hand. Therefore, I feel like I've become a nurse for my cat. But, I won't complain too much because he is like my kid (since I don't have kids of my own). My vet says that he isn't to the point where we need to put him down, but if he continues to get worse, we are going to have to do something about it. Makes me sad to think about it, but I definitely don't want him to be miserable. I was wondering if anyone else has had a cat with any of these issues and wondered if you found anything that helped your cat out. If so, I'd love to hear from you.

And now for an awesome giveaway Crystal found. We are anxious to hit 50 followers so we can do our first giveaway. While she was checking out Rafflecopter, she stumbled on IPAD giveaway from the Giveaway Scoop! Click here to check it out! Crystal is feeling a bit of regret for not signing up for the IPAD pilot program at school. Ha ha!

Hope you are enjoying your week!


  1. Awwww poor kitty! I have 3 (no not the cat lady lol) and I couldnt imagine! I'd being doing just what you are!!!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog

    1. Thank you! Yeah, you really get attached to them and are willing to do a lot for them. :-)

  2. That's so sad about your cat. I hope that your cat takes a turn for the better. Good luck with everything.

    Learning Is Something to Treasure
