Saturday, March 24, 2018

We Are Laughing So Hard...and a Freebie :-)

Hey there! Kristi and I are actually together right now. We haven't seen each other since Christmas break, and we are having such a good time. It seems that we just pick up right where we left off...which, of course, explains why we are teaching besties.

What brings us together? 
Other than spring break, I mean.

Well, we actually reached a TPT milestone recently. We can hardly believe it! THANK YOU to those of you who have supported our store. We are humbled to think that there are teachers who enjoy our resources as much as we do.

So...we have a FREEBIE for you! Hooray! 

This is one we have been thinking about for awhile. We always introduce sounds one at a time and love the targeted practice that our games offer. However, this year I've been working with Kindergarten and they are now ready for something that covers all of the short vowel sounds in one game. Kristi thought this was a great idea and plans to use it at the beginning of first grade for review.

Click on the picture to grab this forever freebie!

We hope you are enjoying a wonderful Saturday! 


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wisdom for Wednesday-Why?

Welcome to this week's:

I recently had a friend asking me why God allowed some of the hard things that she was dealing with to happen in her life.  That was a tough question for me because I personally have asked and wondered the same thing at different seasons of my life.  That is something I believe I may ask my whole life.  I will say that I can now look back at some of the trials of my life and see how God has connected me with others and I've been able to have empathy for them for what they were going through because I had been through similar things.  Then there are some trials that I still haven't understood.  I'm not sure why God allows us to go through some of the heartaches that we experience and I'm not sure I will ever understand it in this lifetime, but I will try my hardest to trust his will and have faith that there is a purpose for each one of the trials.  
Have a great day!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sight Word Practice

We have been spending some extra time on our sight words each week and I'm excited to say that the kids are knowing them when I test them on the words at the end of the week.  YAY!  We begin our week by introducing the sight words and talking to our shoulder buddy about what they mean and they try to use them in a sentence.  If we can act out the word, we do that as well.  Then the practice is on!  Here is what we have been doing to master those sight words:

1.  Quiz Quiz Trade-This is a Kagan strategy that is very simple.  I make the flashcards of our sight words and give each kid a sight word.  They walk around the room and find someone to read their sight word.  Once they both have read the sight word, they switch cards and move on to someone else. 

2.  Around the World-The kids never get tired of doing this one.  They form 2 lines and see who can read the sight word first.

3.  Tic Tac Toe-They get a tic tac toe board with their words on it.  To put an X or O down they have to say the word first. 

 4.  Connect Four-They always love playing the connect four game that we have several on TPT.  If they say the word correctly then they get to mark it.  Whoever gets 4 in a row wins.  

5.  I Have Who Has-they always love playing I Have Who Has.  I time them and they try so hard to beat their time.  (sorry I didn't get a picture of this one).

They love practicing the sight words with all of these and the best thing about it is that they are starting to master the words!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wisdom for Wednesday-Trust God

Welcome to this week's:

I personally am a planner and like to have control.  So, this one is hard for me especially when things don't go as I have planned. 

 When you start to trust more in God and his plans for you, then you are letting go of control that you were never supposed to have in the first place!  He has a plan for each and everyone of us and his plan is always the best one for us!

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Contraction Surgery

This week, in a small group, we worked on contractions.  I love doing contraction surgery when teaching contractions.  I told the kids that I was a Dr. that day and that I was going to be doing surgery.  I did a couple of them and then told them that I was really getting tired.  Then I told them that I was sad because I had all these patients that needed surgery.  They were so excited and raised their hands saying that they could do it for me.  So I told them they could finish all the other ones.  I gave them a pair of gloves and some band aides and they got busy.  I found these awesome worksheets to help with the surgery from Common Core Corner.  

Have a great week!