Happy weekend! I’m so excited to actually have a Saturday at
home (well, mostly).
Last Saturday was a very long, exciting—which means
emotionally draining—day. We won the league tournament championship! This is the first
time our girls have won the tournament championship since 1974 so we were
pretty pumped.
Pictured: My brother (head coach), my niece, my daughter,
and me (assistant coach).
We have spent the last couple weeks measuring. This week we
added perimeter and an introduction to area. The kiddos love the actions and
words I came up with for remembering them. I use WBT, so we do mirror with
words. “Perimeter is…” Index fingers touching in front of my chin. “…the
distance around the shape.” As I make a rectangle in the air. Then… “Area is…”
As we make spirit fingers in the middle of our imaginary rectangle. “…in the
If you’ve followed our blog long, you know that in my
building I teach 2nd grade and K-2 science. This year the 1st
and 2nd graders are combined for science. It has been pretty neat to
organize my class in a way that encourages the 2nd graders to be
helpers. This week as we learned about properties of matter, it was the perfect
opportunity to let the 2nd graders “teach” the 1st
graders how to measure.
Bonus: The first grader teacher is excited that they
will have some background knowledge when she gets to her measurement unit!
We have spent the last couple of weeks learning all about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. The timing is also perfect to learn how to write a biography with all of their new knowledge. :-)
Fractions, fractions! I’m getting ready to start fractions
with my class next week. Kristi’s fraction pack makes it easy to combine some fun
activities with a few practice pages to supplement my plans. Easy Peasy!